Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nature Notes!

I have prepared this post so as to participate in Nature Notes over at RamblingWoods.com. We all get together there and show and tell what Nature is up to in our areas.

To tell you the truth, I have mostly hidden out inside this week because it is HOT! I did take a walk yesterday, and discovered a little wetland in an empty lot on a corner a few blocks away.

There were cattails there! I have always loved cattails!


  1. O these tall cattails are delightful! Love these greens!

    1. Thank you , Gemma! I was glad when I found them :)

  2. Yes, going out in hot days is hard for me, too. Now here in Osaka very hot days have continued. Yesterday I was all at home, but today I try to go out with my camera to take some pictures.
    Have a nice day.

  3. Cattails are cool. I love to touch the seedheads and when they are just ripe, they will pop open (which makes a great mess if you took some inside as decoration...)

    1. I have actually made that mistake in the past! I have always liked these also!

  4. It has been miserably hot hasn't it?..but you brought back a really nice childhood memory for me..and they can be few and far between..of my sister and I picking them at the cabin. Love them. Thank you for the memory Libby..Michelle

  5. cattails are useful for many things. :) Great shots.

  6. What a wonderful discovery!
